Spitfire Toe Link Kit for Elise/Exige - Bracket Type Kit
Regular price $499.00
Strength for strength the lightest, stiffest, and easily the most durable kit available with unsurpassed bearing reliability. The rest of the kit is designed to last the life of the car.
All kits come fully assembled and pre set with the correct bump steer shims where this information has been supplied by the customer, otherwise we use the Lotus recommended initial bump steer setting for the kit type. The kits are also correctly orientated and soft locked to help reduce both fitting errors and the fitting time as much as possible.
Detailed, comprehensive and clear fitting instructions are supplied, this includes a tool list and general advice regarding the safety issues.
The toe link bearing is secured to the sub frame at the inner end with a heavy duty double shear bracket for extra strength, brackets are convoluted to increase the overall deformation resistance by both form and work hardening. Another advantage of the design is the increased clearance from the exhaust. The bracket for the Toyota variant is designed to pick up up the strong points of the subframe where it is mounted, a buttress transfers forces from the bolt mounting face and transfers them to the thick seam on the subframe itself, this arrangement is very strong and compared to our brace option is also very light.
For those who do not wish to drill the subframe in any way can use the brace design, this works in conjunction with the toe link assembly in the lateral plane but is fully articulated in the longitudinal and vertical planes due to the bearing mount, this allows the suspension to work correctly with minimal effect on chassis compliance.
As there is no access to the back of the Toyota subframe section, M6 steel rivnuts are used to secure the bracket onto the subframe
Brackets are electropolished to reduce salt adhesion and all the required fasteners are supplied in the kit.
Secured with a strong M12 fastener the sleeve design outer fixing has the advantage of being adjustable for bump steer unlike the OE setup.

Both bump steer and toe are easily adjustable allowing both to be corrected for any ride height or extreme geometry setup.